In order to increase awareness and sales (“conversions” of site traffic to customers) of the book “Devil Music” by Carly Orosz, the promotional landing page is now displayed to new visitors instead of the homepage.
Previously, the Buy The Book promotional landing page was only accessible by scanning the QR-code on the back of the book, by clicking on one of our internet advertisements (e.g. on Facebook, or The House of Hair), or by someone sharing it.
This limited display of the landing page is accomplished by redirecting the user from the homepage to the landing page if a “past visitor” cookie has not been set.
if ($_COOKIE['pastvisitor'] == '') {
setcookie('pastvisitor', 'true', time() + (1 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60)); // expires in 1 year
// Redirect the user to the landing page only once per year.
header( 'Location: '.'', true, 307 );